Hi Friends,
We have returned from what may go down as one of our greatest adventures to date. This time we were gone for just 9 days but we were able to do so much the results were priceless.
We got to ...
Visit with family
Get out of the house
Enjoy the Ocean
Explore Ashland
Ride Segways
and did I mention, get out of the house for a while.
In addition, I read an amazing book called 'a long way gone, Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.' It was one of those books you just can't put down until you are finished. It is also one of those books that change the way you see things and exposes you to things you did not know existed. I really recommend you pick this book up and see for yourself.
So how to wrap up this trip in a few words.... It was wonderful and really packed a lot of punch for such a short time. I guess the only thing I can come up with is "Life is Good, enjoy every single day God has given you because tomorrow is never guaranteed."
Until next time ..
Don http://www.tuckertimes.com |