So we took a few days to celebrate our 25 years together last weekend. It gave us time to pause life for a few days and concentrate on enjoying each others company without distractions.
Our journey started with a drive to Moonstone Beach at Cambria, California. A quiet, neat little oasis on the Central Coast of California that allows visitors to enjoy nearly empty beaches and a slower pace to each day. And they are dog friendly so we could take Rusty and Peppy along for the ride.
We got a great room looking out at the Ocean at the Cambria Shores Inn, an amazing place where the owners and staff really are glad you are there. They greet you with a smile and really do everything imaginable to make you confortable (thanks Tim and Patrick).
The weather was great and very refreshing. After leaving the warm early Summer temperatures of Reno we were glad to experience the cooler and comfortable air with temperatures in the high 50'2 to mid 60's.
We walked on the empty beaches and listened to the Ocean as it's rolling and rushing cleansed our souls and rejuvenated our Spirits. Rusty and Peppy right there with us, enjoying running on the beach and exploring. Peppy ran so much, we thought he might collapse, but he didn't and was ready to go again the next day.
One day we spent time checking out the Elephant Seals along the beach just North of Cambria. There were thousands of them, all lying on the sand shedding their Winter coats and lying there. It was an amazing site and something we will not soon forget. Best of all after the initial drive, it is all free and you can stay as long as you want. Nature is amazing.
It was a perfect weekend. We came home tired still as it is 8 hours driving to get back home. Sure wish we could find a way to keep the refreshing we received in Cambria without the draining drive home.
25 years ... I can't believe it has been that long. It really just seems like yesterday that I saw Brenda for the first time. Sitting in a chair at Butler Aviation on her first day at work. Cute as a button (still is) wearing a way too big sweater with an amazing smile. Wow, nice flash back and wonderful life so far. I can't wait to see what the next 25 years bring.
There are plenty of pictures on the Flickr page if you want to check them out.
Until next time...