Hi Friends,
It sure has been a great couple of weeks and we are having a great holiday season this year. Hope you are too.
We were home in Washoe Valley for Christmas and spent some time with family and friends. Tried to get some thoughtful gifts for all of those that are in our lives, but totally failed by forgetting to pick up any Christmas cards this year. Sorry about that, it was not because we didn't care, it just slipped past us until it was too late. maybe we will think of something for early next year and mail cards for no apparent reason to make it up.
After a nice evening with our neighbors and Christmas at Tucker Dome with Don's folks we are now in Medford visiting with Bonnie and Danny. The ride up was nice, lot's of snow on the road and along the sides most of the trip. In one snowy stretch we were passed by a bunch of cars and one rude truck driver. We caught up with them down the road and watched as a little Toyota pick up spun out and crashed into the snow along the road. All of the drivers from the pack that passed us kept driving. We did and helped this nice man from Washington out of the snow bank. It was really sad to see about 100 cars and trucks pass us by and not offer any assistance. I thought your conscience and basic decency would cause you to stop for another person to help. I kept thinking, what if that man had had some sort of heart problem that caused him to loose control? What might have happened if no one had stopped? Well we are still thinking about him, hoping he has mad it back to Tacoma safe and sound and that maybe he will pay it forward sometime when the opportunity presents itself.
So that catches you up with us. We are parked in Medford. Hoping to get to Ashland to soak up the coolness of that town and finishing off this holiday season. Watch your mailbox if you are on our usual mailing list and we might just drum up some reason to send you all cards to celebrate some strange season or occasion.
We are lucky to have all of you in our lives and hope this coming year is full of fun and many blessings.
Oh yeah, I turned 50 ... but still feel 20. And Brenda says I act 14, so I got that going for me.
Peace Love and Bliss,
Don & Brenda
And All the Critters!