Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Solstice ... A Special Time

Hi Friends,

It feels like Winter has finally taken a hold of he weather patterns and the sunny, warm days that have blessed us most of 2008 have now past. I was ready, and I must admit had already started, to go into my usual Winter funk. I do it every year about this time and it usually includes complaining about the cold or watching too many hours of TV .. things like that. It also means that I have to chain up most days to get my job done, and that seems to be more of a drag the older I get.

This year, thanks to some new directions in my Spiritual journey, I am going to take a different path. Sure, I will still have to chain up the big truck to get my work done, but now I pledge to look at each day in a different more spiritual way. I guess some would call it an enlightened look at each day, but I am still working on what I will call it, with just enjoying it at the top of my list and terms coming later.

So the 21st of December is the Winter Solstice and usually it is just another day (or night) for me. This year thanks to some really cool people I am approaching this day as something that can really change your life. At least that is what I am thinking. From the Huffinton Post, Dr Judith Reagan, I found this ..

Winter Solstice: A time to let go of what burdens. Empty out stones sitting heavy in the heart. Let bygones be bygones. Acknowledge. Forgive. Begin again.

Winter Solstice

Tao of Change

I loved this blog and got so much from it to change the way I will go forward into the Holiday season and then into the New Year. If you have a extra minute, stop by and visit and see if there is something waiting for you when you pause, breathe and look inside.

Let me know how your journey is going and pause, breathe and look inside.



Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Little Help?

Hi Friends,

I have been looking all over for this "Plug in Commuter's Warming/Cooling Mug." I had one a few years ago and it seems that they are now out of business and off the market. Of course I did find a couple of web businesses that said they once carried them, but they don't have any more.

So if you happen to have one of these, or have seen one for sale, please let me know. It is getting cold on the road, and I really enjoy that hot cup of coffee in the truck after I chain up. It is sort of a guilty pleasure for me.

To the right is picture I found of this little gizmo often called a MugMaster or at least that is what it said on mine before it gave up the ghost last Winter.

Thanks a bunch and Peace to you.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Reliving Our Corn Maze Adventure

Back in October of this year (2008) we grabbed our Neice Lindsey and drove to Fallon's Lattin Farms to explore the Corn Maze. While we were there Lindsey decided she would brave the Mule powered Corn Maze Train. She had fun riding and we had fun watching her. The Corn Maze was cool too.


Christmas Greetings!

We at Tucker Farms, wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Don, Brenda and the Critters


Saturday, December 06, 2008

It Feels like it's Fall So Let's Ride

Hi Friends,

It has been so sunny and nice, not a trace of rain and very few clouds. So we gave up on chores around the house and took off on our horses to Washoe Lake Horseman's Park for a couple hours of fun.

Brenda was riding Trinity, her beautiful horse with high anxiety. Trinity is a Missouri Foxtrotter that Brenda fell in love with. She is also a handful. Brenda has her hands full keeping her in check while trying to enjoy the ride.

I rode our new horse, Pete. He is all Appaloosa and just beautiful. Well trained and amazing to ride, he is a dream out on trails. We just wish there was more Fall coming this year. We have been blessed with sunny skies, light winds and warm (48 today) temperatures. We keep looking to the skies knowing that Winter is just around the corner and with it fewer days to ride and have outdoor fun.

We are also working on our horse-human relations, trying to be the best friends we can be to our big furry friends .. it is like learning a new language there is so much to learn.

There are photo's of our horsey adventure on our Flickr page.

That is it for now...

Don & Brenda


Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Favorite Video's From YouTube...

Hi Friends,

I wanted to share my favorite videos from YouTube that I watch from time to time to cheer myself up or encourage when I am down. Some are just fun, like the Polyphonic Spree singing and dancing to 'Light & Day" while others teach us something important about life like Randy Pousches "Last Lecture."

WATCH ... Polyphonic Spree "Light & Day"

WATCH ... Where the Hell is Matt?

WATCH ... Randy Pausch's "The Last Lecture"

WATCH ... Steve Jobs "Stanford Commencement Speach"

WATCH ... Will Smith "Running & Reading The Key to Life"

WATCH ... "Free Hugs"

WATCH ... "Christian the Lion"

WATCH ... RENT "Seasons of Love'

Send us the link to your favorite motivational and happy video's.



Sunday, July 27, 2008

In-N-Out Burger .vs Fatburger The Winner is?

Hi Friends,

Last night our adventures took us up to Lake Tahoe to see James Taylor in Concert again. James taylor music is some of our favorite and we try never to miss a show if at all possible. Last nights show at Harvey's was amazing as expected.

This trip allowed us to settle once and for all the winner of the In-N-Out Burger .vs Fatburger challenge. For years we have loved the In-N-Out head and shoulders above every other burger we have tried. Many have tried to convince us that Fatburger was in fact better and we looked forward to trying this Fatburger they spoke of.

We found ourselves looking for something to do before the gates opened at the concert so we made our way over to Harrah's to try the infamous Fatburger. After picking ourselves up off the floor over the $9.00 + price tag for the meal deal for each person we waited to dig in.

First to arrive at out table was the vanilla shake. It did not taste any better than the new shake at Jack in the Box but cost a lot more.

Our meal arrived and we were in fast food heaven for a few minutes. I got the Fat Fries and they were okay. Brenda got the skinny fries and they were just okay too. The burgers were good but really did not compare to In-N-Out at all. The difference was in the things Fatburger brags about on the tray covers. They buy the fries from Lamb Weston (frozen) Blue Bunny Ice Cream for the shakes etc. In-N-Out makes everything fresh and cuts the fries to order. You can really taste the difference!

So for us the winner is hands down ... In-N-Out Burger any day. And any night we can spend together watching James Taylor and his band of Legends perform is like heaven.

Peace to You...


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Great Video or More?

Hi Friends,

I was checking out this video of a a guy named Matt that travels around the World and dances. I guess he was sponsored by a chewing gum company that went out of business at one time. It got me thinking ...

Does Matt have a gift to give by sharing his smile and dance with the World? Is this "his thing" that when shared it increases the happiness factor on the planet? Or is it just a dance?

He reminds me of Ed Carlson "The Waver" who I think was supposed to share love and a smile with those that saw him simply by waving and smiling.

Check out Matt and his dance and share your thoughts...




Saturday, January 05, 2008

Washoe Valley Snow 'Thank God!'

Hi Friends,

The snow started falling Friday evening and it is still going great guns as we speak. I got out early and took a stroll down to the lake for some picture taking. It was beautiful and awe inspiring.

I have added a bunch of the photo's I took while on my slushy walk to our Flickr page for you to enjoy. You can check them out here. So what is it doing where you live?

More to come as long as it keeps snowing!

Later Friends,


Friday, January 04, 2008

Sierra Snow .. This Should Be Fun

Hi Friends,

We are just getting settled in for a Wintery and very white weekend. It should be a real blast if all go's as planned.

All day long it has been raining like it hasn't rained in years and this afternoon it started snowing. The weatherman is calling for the possibility of us getting 10" of snow here at 'Casa Tucker.' If it holds to plan, I am getting up early to take pictures of the Winter beauty.

There is really nothing like the quiet beauty of a heavy snowfall especially if you can get out in it before anyone else has trampled the pristine new blanket.

So check back this weekend for a collection of photo's from our Winter wonderland.

Take the time to enjoy the day!
