Friday, December 07, 2007

First Valley Snow!

The first snow has fallen in Washoe Valley and it is both beautiful and peaceful. The valley looks amazing in it's new coat of white. It is a day to reflect and be inspired... Later I will journey out to take a few photo's of the valley and will share them with you tomorrow. Until then, I made this little video this morning before too many had disturbed the peace. Enjoy!

Life is like a blanket of snow. Be careful how you step on it. Every step will show!


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Back to Reality (for now)

Hi Friends,

Saturday night and tomorrow we have to travel back to reality and the grind of work and the daily rat race. It seems like there must be something more, something I am missing, outside of what everyone calls normal. Working just to look forward to vacation, putting up with the boss all week just to be happy on the weekend ... there must be more. Maybe I will be able to figure it out when we get home. Maybe I will have to get away to a mountain top or some other quiet place to figure it out.

We had a great time as we always do. Gold Beach was both fun and refreshing and our time there just too short. We did come away feeling that our usual lodging was getting to usual. Perhaps variety is the spice of life and staying at the same Hotel or Inn seems too much like reality.

Brenda and Ashley had fun as did the Puppies. The temperatures at the Beach were in the higher 60's and low 70's (maybe 70's) all week. No rain, not even a hint came our way but the wind did blow most days. We did not even feel bad for anyone stuck at home in the 100+ temperatures

On our ride home we stopped at a great little tide pool full of life. There were star fish all over the place and little creatures clinging to the rocks waiting for the next high tide to come around.

Things we will change next trip...

New lodging.

Maybe a place with lighter winds.

Brenda has to ride the Jet Boats with us.

More time on the Beach.

Okay that wraps up another fun adventure for us. We have mentioned what we will do next time but nothing really serious yet. Want to see what we saw? Check out the Flickr Photos and relax with us.

Later Dudes...

Don, Brenda, Ashley and the Puppies

Still on Vacation 'Rogue Valley Balloon Rally'

Hi Friends,

We are still on vacation in Oregon but back from the beach (bummer) and back in Medford for a day or two.

Today while Brenda slept in, I tip toed out to see the Rogue Valley Balloon Rally at the Medford Airport.

It was a really pretty and refreshing way to start the day with lot's of blue sky and fresh air. I took a bunch of pictures in the 45 minutes that it took to get maybe 20 balloons in the air. If you want to see some of the photo's they are on this Flickr page. No works of art this time, but still fun to look at.

More on the vacation later.

Don & Brenda and the Puppies!


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Gold Beach 4th of July Romp Underway!

Hi Friends,

Just a short note this morning to let you know we are having a great time at Gold Beach. The 4th of July Fireworks are finished and we are looking forward to a jet boat ride up the Rouge River today. There are plenty of pictures on the Flickr page if you want to see what we have been doing.

More tonight maybe... after our river adventure.


Don Brenda, Ashley and the Puppies

Saturday, May 19, 2007

A 25th Anniversary Celebration... "Renewing the Spirit."

So we took a few days to celebrate our 25 years together last weekend. It gave us time to pause life for a few days and concentrate on enjoying each others company without distractions.

Our journey started with a drive to Moonstone Beach at Cambria, California. A quiet, neat little oasis on the Central Coast of California that allows visitors to enjoy nearly empty beaches and a slower pace to each day. And they are dog friendly so we could take Rusty and Peppy along for the ride.

We got a great room looking out at the Ocean at the Cambria Shores Inn, an amazing place where the owners and staff really are glad you are there. They greet you with a smile and really do everything imaginable to make you confortable (thanks Tim and Patrick).

The weather was great and very refreshing. After leaving the warm early Summer temperatures of Reno we were glad to experience the cooler and comfortable air with temperatures in the high 50'2 to mid 60's.

We walked on the empty beaches and listened to the Ocean as it's rolling and rushing cleansed our souls and rejuvenated our Spirits. Rusty and Peppy right there with us, enjoying running on the beach and exploring. Peppy ran so much, we thought he might collapse, but he didn't and was ready to go again the next day.

One day we spent time checking out the Elephant Seals along the beach just North of Cambria. There were thousands of them, all lying on the sand shedding their Winter coats and lying there. It was an amazing site and something we will not soon forget. Best of all after the initial drive, it is all free and you can stay as long as you want. Nature is amazing.

It was a perfect weekend. We came home tired still as it is 8 hours driving to get back home. Sure wish we could find a way to keep the refreshing we received in Cambria without the draining drive home.

25 years ... I can't believe it has been that long. It really just seems like yesterday that I saw Brenda for the first time. Sitting in a chair at Butler Aviation on her first day at work. Cute as a button (still is) wearing a way too big sweater with an amazing smile. Wow, nice flash back and wonderful life so far. I can't wait to see what the next 25 years bring.

There are plenty of pictures on the Flickr page if you want to check them out.

Until next time...


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Friends ... It's Time to Stop This

Hi Friends,

It is hard for me to believe that in this World something as disgusting as this is able to continue without global outcry. Please take a minute to visit SaveDarfur and find out what is happening in Africa and how you can make a difference.

Thank you for caring!


Monday, April 02, 2007

End of an Adventure .. Lifetime of Memories

Hi Friends,

We have returned from what may go down as one of our greatest adventures to date. This time we were gone for just 9 days but we were able to do so much the results were priceless.

We got to ...
Visit with family
Get out of the house
Enjoy the Ocean
Explore Ashland
Ride Segways
and did I mention, get out of the house for a while.

In addition, I read an amazing book called 'a long way gone, Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.' It was one of those books you just can't put down until you are finished. It is also one of those books that change the way you see things and exposes you to things you did not know existed. I really recommend you pick this book up and see for yourself.

So how to wrap up this trip in a few words.... It was wonderful and really packed a lot of punch for such a short time. I guess the only thing I can come up with is "Life is Good, enjoy every single day God has given you because tomorrow is never guaranteed."

Until next time ..


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Last Bash 'Segway Adventure'

We wanted to have one last fantastic, always be in our memories, adventure before our Spring vacation ended. So I begged Brenda and she finally gave in... She begged Danny and he finally gave in ... so we went for a Segway tour of Jacksonville, Oregon. It was the first time for most to ride on a segway and it was worth twice the price just to see the smiles on their faces. Words here will not do the story justice, so watch the video we put together and check out the pictures over at the Flickr page.

Happy Days!

Don, Brenda, Ashley & The Puppies Too

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Pictures, Pictures .... We Got Pictures.

Hey friends,

We have added a bunch of new pictures to the Flickr page page for you. If you get a chance stop by and check em' out.

Later Dudes & Doodettes ...


Gold Beach Sunset

Because you could not join us at Gold Beach .... we made this little video for you to enjoy. Grab a drink and sit down to enjoy the sights and sounds of Gold Beach from March 28th, 2007.

Many coolio thoughts and most excellent wishes to ya...


Monday, March 26, 2007

We are Here!!

Hi Friends,

Ahh Gold Beach .... the pause in our life that allows us to catch up with our selves, or something like that. Whatever it is we sure need it when we have survived another Winter and all that it brings into our lives. We have arrived at our destination or Oasis as we like to call it. You can see where we are by checkin' out this Google shot. Or you can click the link and see the wide shot.

I found a great book to read tonight at Starbucks it is called A Long Way Gone and so far it is amazing.

We added a bunch more pictures for you to see what we are up to... They are over on our Flickr page.

Later Dudes & Doodettes...


From the Road in Medford..

Hi Friends,

Just a short note to let you know that all is well in Medford and we are getting ready to head out on the road again to Gold Beach, Oregon. The weather has been coolio with sunny and warm days mixed with periods of rain and some cool spurts. Everyone is well including the puppies.

I have started the photo set for this trip on our Flickr page if you are interested. You can check it out here.

Later Dudes and Doodettes!


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Our 'Life is Good' Spring Adventure is Underway

We are off again on our annual spring fling to Oregon and where ever our spirits take us. Our theme this year (cuz you know you can't do anything without a theme) is 'Life is Good.' Brenda paid a visit to the local 'Life is Good' store to get us outfitted and ready for this chapter of our life.

We hope you will stop by when you can to read about what is happening and where we are currently playing or resting. There will also be plenty of great pictures for you to follow along.

Today was our first travel day taking us from Reno to Medford in about 6 hours. We currently finding refuge with Ashley, Bonnie and Danny and catching up on all things family. We are also making some plans for the next few days... there is talk of pedacures and such with the girls and Segway, Seasides and Shakespere so we have plenty to do.

Off to bed for now and some checking of the inside of the eyelids.



Sunday, January 28, 2007

Postcard Weather From The Valley

Hi Friends,

It has been so nice here in Washoe Valley I decided to take a walk almost every afternoon to explore some of the beauty in the place we call home. I took lot's of pictures while I was exploring, you can see them all here on our Flickr page.

I hope you are enjoying weather like we have or at least are enjoying the weather you have. You know I think there is something beautiful in every day. Sure sometimes you have to pause and relax to see the beauty, but it is always there.

Have a wonderful day, hug someone you love and share a smile.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hiya Buddies!

Hi Friends,

I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is "Peppy" and I am the newest member of the Tucker Clan. I am having a real good time here at Don & Brenda's place. My favorite things so far are licking faces, biting Brenda when she won't play with me enough (Brenda calls me an alligator)and going to work with Brenda.

I can run forever and a day, but when I stop I just fall into whatever arms happen to be around and sleep. Boy can I sleep! I can almost sleep all night long without having to get up to .... well you know, but I am getting better every night.

Yes that is sort of a mohawk on my head, pretty cool huh? It gives me my own style and sets me apart from the crowd, I guess that is why Brenda picked me out of the bunch.

Rusty, my big brother and mentor, is starting to like me more each day. I still get on his nerves from time to time and I have to remind myself that he is not a pup anymore and has a reputation as a grump. He let's himself go once in a while and we play and run all over the house ... it is a blast!

So I had my human friends make this little video to show you just how cute I am. I hope you like it. It is here in YouTube!

Talk to ya later friends,
